Thursday, November 3, 2011

Toon Factory The Adventures of ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE "Peabody"[color]

  • color
  • slim case
  • stereo sound
  • standard full frame
  • Digiviw Entertainment
Watch out American television viewers! Rocky and Bullwinkle do battle against Boris Badenov's band of TV antennae-eating rodents. Full color.Bullwinkle J. Moose has the world's largest collection of box tops, which makes him the prime suspect when someone starts redeeming counterfeit box tops for goodies in the stores.The adventures of Bullwinkle J. Moose, Rocket J. Squirrel, and their bumbling adversaries, Boris and Natasha, come to life in a detailed account of each episode of the classic animated series, behind-the-scenes anecdotes about its creation, original artwork, and a host of memorabilia.In the late '50s and early '60s, the most subversive show ever to hit the airwaves enchanted millions of American grade-schoolers. The kiddies tuned in to watch Bullwinkle J. Moose and ! Rocket J. Squirrel of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, indulge in cartoon acrobatics and rattle off a series of unbelievable puns. This encyclopedic volume details their every adventure, from chasing the wailing whale Maybe Dick to joining the football team at Wossamotta U. The sinister Pottsylvanian spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale sneak into a goodly share of the pages, along with Dudley Do-Right, the square-jawed Mountie; Snidely Whiplash, the luxuriantly mustachioed villain; Mr. Peabody, the beagle who knows everything; and his boy Sherman. It's a loving, cleverly-illustrated tribute to these saviors of the free world and an admiring paean to the twisted, hilarious genius of Jay Ward, their modest creator, who set the standard for TV animation for generations to come."Rocky and Bullwinkle"is one of the most popular TV show of the 1960s!Its continuing success is due to the zany characters and absurd plots that captivate children...


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